Yoni Circle

This website redesign came at a time when Yoni Circle was moving away from in-person events and focusing instead on their app which was about to launch. As such, we wanted every page to have the same energy and fun feeling as attending the events through the app. All of the content was rewritten to be app-forward and the site was completely overhauled.


I worked closely with the illustrator who designed the different app components (Delfina Soria) to bring these in to the website. She designed the entire look of each page and then sent over each individual element so I could add it to the page via code and add fun animations, such as the clouds you see moving across the screens.

The result is a homepage that feels entertaining and interactive, just like their app.


As a type of event transitioning to the app world, we wanted to have a page dedicated to all the features users can find in the app along with screenshots to give them a preview before joining. The app page serves as a way to bring in new users while also explaining each feature in-depth for people who may have just joined.


As part of the app launch, Yoni Circle created merch they wanted to be able to sell through the site. As they have minimal amounts of products, I set up a simple Shop design to help best showcase these. Users are easily able to view the products and add them to their cart directly from a popup, or click through to get more information.